andhapp Random ramblings

Google interview questions

I got hold of this great article that lists a lot of questions asked in Google interviews and honestly speaking I do not think with my present knowledge I will ever pass an interview there. I guess if I knew a bit more about algorithms I might have a chance. Therefore, I am going to start reading Donald Knuth’s - The Art of Computer Programming - Sorting and Searching book. I will see how it goes. Apparently, it is too complicated to understand and make sense of.

Nah I am just kidding who reads books now days. It is all about finding some tutorials on the internet and hacking things together. Well, I had the same opinion few months ago and one day I started reading a BDD book and really it makes a huge difference. And I am talking about actually reading and understanding and running the code and amending and making changes to the code and ensure you understand the underlying behaviour of a language or a library. Anyways, I am going off topic now.