andhapp Random ramblings


Bugs are inevitable in any piece of software and we all are aware of the fact that developers cut corners to make the software work. As far as hacks go unnoticed they can be referred to as calculated risks. Bugs sap our energy and focus and leave us exhausted at times.

My observation says that “Bugs initiates a blaming game”. I know it is a bad practice to pass the blame but I have committed such sins in the past and may do so in the future. In an astute manner, I always look up the error message on the Google unless of course I know what the issue is straightaway. Googling is often considered the single best unsophisticated approach to resolve the pandemonium thrown by the bug. I whole heartedly support such actions but I have changed my perspective recently following a simple revelation.

In fact I have come up with an epithet to describe it aptly “Google is in fact not the solution to every issue”. Issue here is actually a software bug, you can substitute your definitions. Google is quite fallacious in the sense that it presents a whole list of solutions which are time consuming and in addition often highly irrelevant. It is in fact a text based search engine and in a given situation presents the searcher with an overwhelming list of links. This situation is commonly known as the Information overload.

Few weeks back I encountered an error message and immediately googled it with a hope to resolve the issue as soon as possible. I started sweeping through the links and tried to follow few solutions but nothing seemed to work. Finally after spending hours on it I went back to traditional manner of bug fixing. I roughly knew the source of the issue. I narrowed the issue down to one possibility and did few tests. Within minutes I knew the exact cause of the issue and not only that I even fixed it within five minutes. I am sure you have been in such situations before and you have formulated better escape plans…but unfortunately I did not and ended up spending hours on it.

Sometimes it is futile searching google or playing the blame game. One should investigate the code first and employ traditional bug fixing procedures. I thought it be a good idea to share my bitter experience with my fellow developers out there.