andhapp Random ramblings

Summer of sequel

What is with sequel ?? People generally do not rate sequels as high as the first parts…mainly due to the fact that the first one had raised the bar so high that people cannot possible absorb anything below that which is absolutely acceptable…isn’t it??? So..Shrek 3 is funny but its the same old stuff repeated again in a different situation ofcourse… Die Hard 4.0 the latest release with the “4.0” to go with the recent Web 2.0 revolution …and the same goes for Rocky Balboa…

In this summer of sequels…Apple has launched its much talked about hyped iPhone (Phone + iPod) and now we have to wait and see if Apple has managed to revolutionise the phone market as it did with music players few years back….and has it been able to raise the bar it set with iPod or are people disappointed ???