andhapp Random ramblings

Sayo nara hideous urls

I have managed to get rewrite urls to work for this blog. It was not difficult at all but I was just being lazy (not a GTD attitude I know)…so no more of index.php?p=12 in the url instead you will be presented with a pretty url for example sayo_nara_hideous_urls/14 (more meaningful and is same as the post title). It was not that difficult…tweaking the php code a little bit and adding few rewrite url rules (regular expressions rocks) in .htaccess will do the trick.

Nevertheless, there are few things that still needs to be fixed:

  1. What if I use characters like ? or ... in my post title or categories? I think then it will just fall over so I need robust rules to handle that situation.

  2. I could not get the search function to show up in a pretty url way…but these two are my next actions.